Saturday, July 14, 2007

National Day Celebrations 07

National Day Icon 2065

Design and build a National Day Icon for Singapore for the year 2065

  1. It should be at least 1.5m in height and able to stand on its own
  2. It does not involve an actual person being part of it in any way
  3. Cost of design to be $10/-
  4. Be creative!

Each CT is to fill up a proposal form for selection in their own faculty. Each faculty will display their National Icon for 2 days - 6th and 7th of August. The school will vote for the best icon by using empty drink cans.

Fashion Parade

  1. Design a National Costume for Singapore (1 male, 1 female)
  2. Design should keep within budget of &20/-
  3. Costumes must not be low-cut or too short (above the knee)
  4. Be creative but also remember that your costume has to be wearable!


  1. Creativity and originality (design, form and colour) to be absolutely stunning, very creative and original!
  2. Practicality (material and design) - looks comfortable and definitely feasible
  3. Significance (to NDP 2007 theme) - very meaningful and exemplifies theme exceptionally

Get the CT Proposal Form (Athena) from your CT Rep or Assistant CT Rep!

This year's NDP theme: City of Possibilities

Jinhui loves s6E. 12:10 PM